Other Helpful Online Resources
- Barclays Life Skills Website offers helpful tips and videos on many aspects of employment for all teenagers and young people:
- As I Am Website offers tips for employers on inclusion in the workplace:
- United Response Website offers support for employers and people with autism seeking employment:
- Ambitious about Autism have developed a helpful and downloadable guide designed to identify and exemplify the factors which support effective transition for young people with autism when they leave school. A section on employment is included:
Other helpful Resources:
- Specialisterne works to enable jobs for people with autism and similar challenges through social entrepreneurship, innovative employment models, and a national change in mindset.
- The Appleby Trustprovide a Work Preparation Unit specifically designed for people with a diagnosis of autism across Northern Ireland.
- In Northern Ireland, The Adult Autism Advisory Service was set up to help individuals with autism across Northern Ireland access a range of appropriate main-stream services, such as employment and further education.
- Health and Social Care Board hscboard.hscni.net
- Public Health Agency publichealth.hscni.net
- Belfast Health and Social Care Trust belfasttrust.hscni.net
- Northern Health and Social Care Trust northerntrust.hscni.net
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust southerntrust.hscni.net
- South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust setrust.hscni.net
- Western Health and Social Care Trust westerntrust.hscni.net
- Department of Education deni.gov.uk
- Department for Employment and Learning delni.gov.uk
- The Cedar Foundationsupport and empower children and adults with disabilities throughout Northern Ireland.
- The Orchardville Societywork in partnership with young people and adults with learning disability across Northern Ireland to prepare them for employment and greater independence.
- Autism Initiatives work in close partnership with families and service users as well as other voluntary organisations and colleagues in the statutory sector to help find employment, housing and other of life’s essentials for people with autism.
- Republic of Ireland: http://www.autisminitiatives.org/where-we-are/ireland/
- Northern Ireland: http://www.autisminitiatives.org/where-we-are/northern-ireland/
- EVE Limited Tuiscint provides social and vocational training for people with Asperger Syndrome in the Republic of Ireland.
- Aspire provides information and supportive programmes across the Republic of Ireland, that include a dedicated helpline, educational drama classes, the career development programme, family support, seminars, workshops, training, and research.
- Entrepreneurs, supported by Brothers of Charity:
- EmployAbility Service provides a range of supports to employers and people with a disability, through Job Coaches.
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