Case Study DE: Life Skills

DE is a fourteen year old autistic boy. He attends a Special School on a full time basis. DE needs routine and predictability and prefers using visual teaching and learning methods.


DE is a fourteen year old autistic boy. He attends a Special School on a full time basis. DE needs routine and predictability and chooses to use visual teaching and learning methods.

He enjoys playing with boats, trains and Minecraft. DE likes to build small, detailed structures and enjoys talking about what he has built.

DE requires support with his independent living skills, showering, dressing skills, packing his school bag and making his lunch.

As part of his sensory diet at home, he engages in heavy movement breaks, sorting laundry and cleaning windows.

DE requires support recognising the expected behaviour in social situations,  such as when and how to engage in “small talk”,  using appropriate conversation starters, playing games and turn taking.

Areas of Concern:

On consultation with DE’s parents and teachers, the following were identified as possible reasons for behaviours of concern:

  • Faces and emotions, DE finds difficulty identifying emotions and dislikes pictures of faces.
  • DE experiences difficulty coping with losing at games, particularly games based on luck, due to him not being in control.
  • Turn taking can be difficult for him especially with peers.
  • Changes to the schedule.


The following strategies were used: Independent living skills and self-help:
